September 2024


 Following our AGM the bus will now be run by Jo Goodchild see the phone number on the Contac
t Us page.

August 2019

We are now looking for new drivers and assisstants to add to our list of volunteers. If you are interested please contact our Chairman on 01684 296679

Oct 5th 2018

At the beginning of August we took delivery of a brand new Wheelchair Bus. This was achieved by the generosity of Tewkesbury individuals and organisations who have contributed to our funds over the last eight years. Many thanks also go to Warners Motors of Tewkesbury who organised the supply and adaptation of the vehicle.


Due to illness we are now requiring more volunteers to come forward as Drivers or Assistants on the bus.

This would allow us to organise more trips out.

If you are interested in helping please phone our Chairman or send a message through the contacts page.